
In a piece for Elle magazine, the first lady makes the case that her husband is the best choice for women, urging them to ask themselves before casting ballots, “Who’s looking out for me?” and “Who’s thinking about my family?” Mrs. Obama may be just slightly biased, but she does offer five pretty solid, specific policy […]

The Obama swagger is back – and not a moment too soon. A feisty President Barack Obama seized control of a critical debate with Mitt Romney Tuesday, showing voters the grit, passion and leadership necessary to guide the nation through an unsteady economic recovery. In an overall contentious debate, Romney interrupted Obama on at least […]


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama and Republican rival Mitt Romney spun one-sided stories in their first presidential debate, not necessarily bogus, but not the whole truth. They made some flat-out flubs, too. The rise in health insurance premiums has not been the slowest in 50 years, as Obama stated. Far from it. And there […]

A.P.T. and Anthony Brown performs “Vote Obama Style.”

President Barack Obama made an appearance on the David Letterman show on Tuesday night and reminded us all that it is possible for a man…


President Barack Obama brought it home at the DNC in Charlotte last night and fired up the nation with a reminder, that I’m sure we’ll see on T-shirts real soon, I’m no longer just the candidate, I’m the President. Watch the entire speech here and read more about the speech here.


CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — God is back in the Democratic platform and people rooting for President Barack Obama hope the dazzle is back in him. With war ending, the health care system recast and the creaky economy overshadowing all, Obama takes the stage of the Democratic National Convention on Thursday to appeal for a second […]


There’s that look, the President and the First Lady have a special bond and it shows on his face whenever he gazes at her. Momma done real good!

Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart aired a special program Friday night with recaps from the RNC. The highlight of the evening was clearly Clint Eastwood’s performance, uh speech uh, whatever it was talking to an empty chair.

For some reason, the people that use their mouths to slander President Barack Obama. John Sununu–a Mitt Romney spokesperson referred to President Obama as dumb and…

Oprah Winfrey broke her long-standing rule against supporting politicians and made her support of President Barack Obama public in 2007. She became one his strongest advocates…

A couple of years ago, I questioned Wayne Brady about his perceived lack of blackness and  whether the Dave Chapelle tough guy bit might have given him some credibility in the hood.  He got rather upset with me initially, then, he realized I wasn’t judging him, just wanted to know if he was getting more […]