
Lifestyle oriented content pertaining to tips, ideas and advice for better living.

…it’s written all over your face, you don’t have to say a word… the Rude Boys sang it and your face may tell all. A new study published in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior reveals that muscles in the upper face may divulge when people are not telling the truth. Researchers found four different facial […]

In this Nutrisystem promotional ad, Janet looks great in this tangerine dress!

Bessie B. Stringfield, a.k.a. “BB,” was the first black woman to make eight long-distance solo tours across the U.S. on a motorcycle. In the 1930’s, BB Stringfield rode her hot rod through areas known for racial violence and prejudice. She earned the nickname “The Negro Motorcycle Queen.” On her tours, Bessie Stringfield traveled through Brazil, […]

Check out the list and see if you’re guilty of not doing everything you can to be happy.

  In a few short years, there have been some major adjustments to the dating game. I can see the difference in the attitude of women in younger generations compared to mine. Read More:

ABC’s long-running show “The Bachelor” will, for the first time in its history, present an African American bachelor. If you’ve never watched the show, basically it’s about a single man who gets to go on date with a whole bunch of women who are competing for his love and undying affection … for life. It […]

  For the longest time I’ve touted the sentiment that I would be perfectly fine being the breadwinner in my marriage as long as I had a supportive partner to sort of be my hype man the way so many housewives are to their husbands. I take a lot of pride in being able to […]

Those ten shirtless photos he posted of himself were no mistake. And, spellcheck does exist. He just didn’t choose to use it. Don’t ignore the signs. Take note of some of the men you should run from when dating online. Read More:

You is kind…you is smart…you is… I couldn’t resist, I  had to go there. Kidding aside ladies,  you are great. Our vision gets clouded by the excess of reality shows that do not define us and fail to emulate us. Here are five characteristics of greatness are sure lift you, inspire you and motivate you today […]

*Glucose (aka “dextrose” or “grape sugar”), galactose (“milk sugar”), and fructose (“fruit sugar”) are all “monosaccharides” (i.e. single sugar molecules), known as “simple sugars.” Theprimary difference between them is how your body metabolizes them. * Glucose is the form of energy you were designed to run on. Every cell in your body uses glucose for […]

The Lifetime network has been airing ‘The Bodyguard’ nearly every weekend since Whitney Houston passed, but now fans will have a chance to see the 1992 love story on the big screen again. Read More:

Myers Brown was refused by many dance companies in the 1950s because she was black. If blacks were accepted, they had to have a light complexion. Learn more about Joan Myers Brown at