Women’s Health

Do you have a hard time getting your child to sleep at night? How many time have you thought he or she fell asleep, only to step away and hear “Mommy”!!!!! For some toddlers it takes a lot more than the sandman to help them find the way. The average toddler, defined as 18 months […]

Asked by Allena, North Carolina I had breast reduction surgery two years ago and went from a size GG to DD. I wanted to know, does a reduction lower the risk of breast cancer or abnormalities in the breast? Find the answer at CNN

Kerry Campbell, 34, from San Francisco is receiving backlash after her “Good Morning America” interview in which she revealed to the world that she injects her eight-year-old daughter, Britney, with Botox before the child’s beauty pageants. WTF!? The mother is now being investigated by Bay Area child protective services after outraged citizens called the Human […]

It’s nearly here. The one day of the year when it is all about mom’s. The one day of the year when you can actually sleep in, and have breakfast made for you which you can eat in bed (or at least try to, as if it is anything like what I used to make […]

Mothers Day is right around the corner and our sister site TheUrbanDaily.com believe mothers should be honored everyday, not just 1 day out of 365 days in a year. Here are 10 songs that can help you tell mom just how you feel or just how much you love her. 10. Skillz “You Only Get […]

People of all ages, from the very young, to the young at heart, have seen, and raved about, wildly popular animated kids flick “Madagascar,” featuring hilarious and lovable characters like Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Gloria the Hippo, the madcap Madagascar crew and the crafty Penguins. Now, for a strictly limited time, Radio City […]

Our favorite family matriarch Madea returns to the big screen in April and this times she’s bringing the whole family. Even with all the dysfunction and drama family brings to our lives, there is no denying the unconditional love that comes with them. As someone who recently participated in my own family reunion and as […]

Most money experts agree that children should be given an allowance in order to learn financial skills at an early age. I disagree. Children should earn money just like we do. And, most importantly they must be taught what to do with the money once they receive it. I speak on high school and college […]

Spring Break is just around the corner and it’s time to start planning how you can keep your kids happy and your sanity during their week off from school.  Here are 10 suggestions for kid friendly spring break activities. Take a Road Trip You know that trip you’ve been planning to go see the Grand […]

Attorney, Host and Celebrity Apprentice contestant Star Jones recently stopped by Sirius XM’s Hip Hop Nation’s morning show, Ear Candy Mornings with Renada Romain.  She gave an in-depth interview about her battle with weight, the aftermath of her 2003 gastric bypass and depression,her current health status and more.  

A fifth grade teacher at Chapelfield Elementary School in Gahanna, Ohio thought it would be appropriate to assign a black student to play a slave in their social studies classroom activity. That student, Nikko Burton, was assigned to play a slave in their fake slave auction where the students of the class were divided into […]

Looking for African-American baby names for your newborn or interested in the origins of unique and beautiful African-American names?