When it comes to black women and breast cancer, the news is often disheartening. According to the Black Women’s Health Imperative, recent studies released have…

Celebrity fashion designer Barbara Bates has created outfits for numerous red carpet events and celebrities, including Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey and Whitney Houston. Her big…

No major headline or call to stop the presses.  Excuse my language, but it really does SUCK.  But what sucks even more is to sit…


Sandra Walsh has had breast cancer twice. The first time was in 2005. The news left her breathless with disbelief. She was an active mom with a husband and three daughters, 11, 8 and 5. She worked as a mortgage agent and ran five miles a day. In retrospect, Walsh, who lives in Gwinnett, Ga., […]

CHICAGO (AP) — Doctors have successfully dropped the first “smart bomb” on breast cancer, using a drug to deliver a toxic payload to tumor cells while leaving healthy ones alone. In a key test involving nearly 1,000 women with very advanced disease, the experimental treatment extended by several months the time women lived without their […]

It’s a sad day for poor women in America. The Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, a leading charity for breast cancer, has announced that it is ending its partnership with Planned Parenthood. The change will mean a cutoff of hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants, mainly for breast exams. The decision sparked […]

On Sunday, October 30, 2011 My Majic 102.3’s favorite girlfriend, Cortney Hicks proudly presented the “Pamper Me Pink” spa event at Jamachi Medispa for survivors and women currently battling Breast Cancer. The upscale spa experience began with specialty manicures, facials and massages and concluded with gift bags, shared experiences, bonding and the establishment of life […]

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and according to BlackDoctor.org “African-American females experience higher death rates from breast cancer than any other racial or ethnic group.” This is partially due to African-American women tending to have more aggressive tumors. The fact is not meant to scare you, but it is meant as a wake up […]

Asked by Allena, North Carolina I had breast reduction surgery two years ago and went from a size GG to DD. I wanted to know, does a reduction lower the risk of breast cancer or abnormalities in the breast? Find the answer at CNN

Comedienne Wanda Sykes opened up on “The Ellen DeGeneres” show yesterday about her battle with breast cancer. “I had breast cancer…I know, it’s scary,” Sykes said with a short chuckle. The cancer was discovered in February when she was going for a breast reduction operation, because as she said, “I was tired of knocking over […]

Wanda Sykes recently revealed she battled breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. The comedienne taped an appearance on “Ellen” and discussed for the first time ever that she had breast cancer. Sykes told Ellen that she went in to have breast reduction surgery in February, but that’s when the cancer was detected. “I found […]

Alicia Keys, Jennifer Aniston,Demi Moore and “Monster” director Patty Jenkins will all team up to share directorial duties for Lifetime’s five-part anthology of short films that will explore the effect that breast cancer has on people’s lives reports popeater.com. The movie will “use humor and drama to focus on the effect that breast cancer and […]