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The first thing I noticed about the Milky Jelly was that it lived up to its description of being "gentle yet effective."

Kayne West takes to Twitter with a sporadic tweet and delete series of statuses ranging from Shia ghosting him on a GAP photoshoot, a Drake exodus, Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner bringing a doctor to lock him up, North and Playboy, the movie Get Out and more.

If you’re like me, you think of two things with you hear or read the word relaxation: sleep and spa dates. Candace Holyfield, who is affectionately referred to as “The Six Figure Spa Chick,” has broken new ground in the beauty and spa industry for African American Spa professionals with The Queen Spa Expo and The […]

Unlike the jersey messages, these weren't league-approved.

Even without big chops and transitions, many of us have been on a new type of hair journey during quarantine as we’ve been forced to fend for ourselves when it comes to our hair, but also explore just how much we’re capable of doing on our own, which has actually been pretty exciting for Tracee […]

Colin Kaepernick isn't the only player claiming to be blackballed by the NFL.

Outside of the MLS and NASCAR, professional sports have been on ice, BUT Gatorade and its stable of big-name athletes are here to let you know they "are ready to play anything," in the sports drink's newest ad campaign.