Fitness & Nutrition

If you have been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes, your doctor will likely refer you to a dietitian who will help you make important dietary…

Dr. O’Rell Williams is board-certified in internal medicine and is a member of the Wheaton Franciscan – St. Joseph medical staff. A firefighter for 14…

  You love your family (and yourself) and you want everybody to be healthy. Thankfully, there are many different things you can do to help…

You know that bowl of sugar packets on your table? There’s a white one, a blue one, a yellow one, a pink one…and now, a…

What are the best baking alternatives to replace butter and oil in your favorite recipes? Whether it’s to cut calories, explore new flavors, or just make due with available ingredients, recipe substitutions are an inevitable—and fun!—part of the cooking experience. Unsweetened applesauce Swap for: Oil or butter For sweeter recipes like brownies and fruity muffins, this swap […]

I get that. Sugar is not my friend but it’s hard not to like, want a and crave sugar because it’s literally everywhere. We’ve talked about The Truth About Sugars in a previous post and here are eight more reasons from Dr. Nancy Appleton, author of Suicide by Sugar, on why we all need to eliminate processed sugar from […]

You know fast food is bad for you, but hey, sometimes it becomes the necessary evil. So what’s absolutely off the table at the drive through? Read more here

If your diet consists mainly of doughnuts,soda, and IV bags dripping high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) directly into your veins, chances are you may have problems with acne, being overweight, and the dreaded diabetes. But now scientists have concluded that there may be yet another risk associated with treating sugar like a food group: It may be […]

*Glucose (aka “dextrose” or “grape sugar”), galactose (“milk sugar”), and fructose (“fruit sugar”) are all “monosaccharides” (i.e. single sugar molecules), known as “simple sugars.” Theprimary difference between them is how your body metabolizes them. * Glucose is the form of energy you were designed to run on. Every cell in your body uses glucose for […]

Your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator contents are an inexpensive source of beauty fixes for those of us on a budget. The folks at share how pantry staples could stand in for your beauty standy-bys: White Sugar: According to Dr. Patricia Wexler, exfoliating is one of the most important things we can do for the […]