This weekend, Nicki Minaj was in a giving mood this weekend, and was on twitter paying some of her loyal fans college expenses!

Don’t think for a minute that being a model only requires being photogenic. As a matter of fact being a women in any industry for 20 years mandates high doses of smarts and knowledge. A certain supermodel/businesswoman is sharing what she’s learned with students at Stanford University. Check out just who. #getWright @MsMichelWright

Can you imagine someone making a promise in the second grade and coming through on that promise years later as an adult:? Now a man and 24 years old, Stefun Darts of Houston, Texas gave his grandparents the gift he said he would give – their home. This is the kind of good news we […]

I decided to join my Momentum family (life transformation program) on a Saturday morning to make bag lunches and pass them out to people who…

You might still be full from Thanksgiving and your feet and wallet may still be aching from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but today’s unofficial…

Chicago Bears cornerback Charles “Peanut” Tillman is already used to overcome tough challenges as an NFL football player. By participating in Allstate’s “Give It Up…

Radio One’s 30th Anniversary is all about giving back to our communities. On October 14, 2010 our Corporate staff visited the DC Central Kitchen to help prepare meals for the homeless.