You’re not dead yet! That is the message of Thomas Jones and John Cotton in their new book, Aging Aggressively. They want you to take…

There’s nothing wrong with growing old gracefully, but who wants to look old?  Not me.  Preserving your youthful look isn’t a bad thing.  right? AOL Health serves up 5 ways to age gracefully, check these simple steps out: 1. Floss Regularly Oddly, flossing is good for your heart, and doing so regularly can add 6.4 […]

Does looking in the mirror these days cause you anxiety because the reflection you see is a woman with crow’s feet, frown lines, brow furrows and sagging skin, otherwise known as the aging version of your former self? For some women, aging is far more traumatic than bearing children, while others embrace the signs of aging because it demonstrates […]

Being in tune with our bodies is important as we grow older.  As we age, our metabolism slows down and we must challenge ourselves to stay healthy and fit.   Have you ever seen someone with extra weight that looks older?  Have you ever met someone who looks  fit and in top shape and looks […]

VIA AOL HEALTH: By Sandra Gordon (Prevention Magazine) You’re the life of the party Outgoing people are 50 percent less likely to develop dementia, according to a recent study of more than 500 men and women age 78 and older from the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. Participants also described themselves as not easily stressed. Researchers […]