
In the aftermath of President Barack Obama’s re-election, well known Republican pundits have stated the reasons that Obama won is because people want free stuff. But according to this article, who really built their fortunes on free stuff? 

    The future of the American theater does not rest entirely on the shoulders of Tarell Alvin McCraney. The 29-year-old playwright — a product of both a hardscrabble Miami childhood and a transformative education at the Yale School of Drama — warms to the question of where his rapidly accelerating career might be taking […]

This election was the most tweeted event in US political history. Celebrities played a vital role in helping our President get reelected by reaching out…

President Obama was cool, calm and collected as he delivered an inspirational victory speech in Chicago, Illinois last night. Democrats around the world rejoiced as…

Today (Nov. 6) is the day where we as a country will decide our next president and our next four years. Exercise your voice and vote at your registered polling place. Send us your photos of you voting to us on Twitter @Mymajic1023 #election2012 to showcase on MYMAJICDC.com Find your polling poll location 1-866-MY-VOTE-1 is a […]

Thanks Alex for passing this my way. If you need a bit of inspiration to get the vote out and why you can endure long lines at the polls tomorrow, despite the temperatures, watch this video and share it your email, facebook and twitter list. We’ve come too far to drop the ball now.  

In case you haven’t been keeping up with the election, President Obama has a slight edge in electoral votes which means there are no guarantees for a re-election,  it could go either way. Read the latest here

Did you know the fate of who will either stay or take over the White House rests with our beloved Washington Washington Football Team? Sounds unbelievable, but it’s TRUE! Personally speaking, I hope it holds true to form…GO SKINS!!!! Follow me on Twitter @Chillerspeak

And finally, someone has told Chris Brown to stop talking. It seems like it has taken a couple of daunting years, but hey better late…

Just when you think President Obama can’t get any cooler, he pulls a fast one and enlists the entertainment swag of sir Hov for his…

Make way for boys and strippers! With only two weeks until its release, the tracklist for Nicki Minaj‘s album “Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded The Re-Up”…