
(Washington, DC)- Today, the Obama Administration announced adjustments to Federal Housing Administration (FHA) requirements that will require servicers to extend the forbearance period for unemployed homeowners to 12 months.  The Administration also intends to require servicers participating in the Making Home Affordable Program (MHA) to extend the minimum forbearance period to 12 months wherever possible […]

WEAVE , a support group for victims of domestic violence will hold a “free” session for residents. If you are a survivor of domestic violence and would like to attend this free support group in the DC, please call (202) 280-6005 to register.

Yesterday, Casey Anthony was acquitted on the most serious charge of murder one and a death sentence for the death of her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony. The only charge that stuck was a misdemeanor charge for lying to cops. She has been sentenced to four years but she has been credited with time served after already […]

NEWARK, N.J.- New Jersey Nets star Deron Williams has agreed to play for the Turkish basketball team, Besiktas, the same team that signed Allen Iverson last year. Sportando reports: Turkish TV Ntvspor (one of the most efficient sport channels in Turkey) announced few minutes ago that Besiktas agreed to terms with Deron Williams. The American […]

Rep. Tim Scott said that if President Obama should invoke a clause in the 14th Amendment in order to bypass Congress and borrow beyond the debt limit, the Republican lawmaker would consider that an act worthy of impeachment. “This president is looking to usurp congressional oversight to find a way to get it done without […]

Casey Anthony’s jailhouse letters are surfacing a day after the 25-year-old was found not guilty of murdering her daughter Caylee. In the letters, Anthony describes life behind bars, what she misses and wanting more children when she’s finally released. “It was like having Cays all over again,” she wrote, referring to her dead daughter, Caylee. […]

On the heels of the violent police assault at a recent Pete Rock and Smif N’ Wessun show in New York City, we decided to compile a list of the top 5 most infamous police brutality incidents ever caught on tape. Below is the list. 5. Pete Rock, Smif N’ Wessun NYPD Police Brutality, 2011 […]

While many of my past “Single Ladies” recaps often poke fun at the pseudo acting and somewhat cheesy story line of the show, while watching this week’s episode, I actually was sucked in. I found myself glued to the tube engulfed in the drama of the lives of Val, Keisha and April. Once I finally […]

Are Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith planning on having more kids? E! correspondent Michael Yo interviewed Jada on the set of her hit show “HawthoRNe,” in which the two talk about her character being pregnant and if the couple will add to their brood of Jaden, Willow and Will’s son from his first marriage […]

Michael Jackson’s sister, Latoya Jackson told CBS that her ex-husband, Jack Gordon, tried to offer sexual services from her to Mike Tyson for $100,000. The New York Daily News Reports: Gordon, who passed away in 2005, allegedly told Tyson that sleeping with Jackson would cost him $100,000. “I was in brothels and everything,” she said. […]

(NewsCore) – A Mexican woman tried to help her boyfriend, sentenced to 20 years for drug trafficking, escape jail inside a suitcase. After visiting inmate Juan Ramirez Tijerina, 19-year-old Maria del Mar Arjona Rivero left the Chetumal Rehabilitation Center on the east coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, rolling a large black suitcase she claimed contained […]