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Source: Wong Yu Liang / Getty

Amanda is back with another segment of “State Of States” on The Amanda Seales Show, this time bringing her attention to the wildness going down in Wisconsin.

…and no, it hasn’t been looking too good for “us” over there in a while!




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Of course, Amanda and Supreme had some fun while breaking down the real. While you may get a laugh out of the proposed “Alternative Amber Alert” that we made up in hopes of helping to find our missing black girls better, the issue at hand is a real serious one in the state of Wisconsin that deserves some looking into or at the very least worth caring about.

Get the info and then some right here on The Amanda Seales Show below:


The post State of the States: Wisconsin | The Amanda Seales Show appeared first on Black America Web.

State of the States: Wisconsin | The Amanda Seales Show  was originally published on