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On uncircumcised peen

Wendy: “You have to be circumcised. And if I start to like you, I just ask right out.”

anthonykiyonna: *Coughs uncontrollably* Gotta agree with Wendy there.

sukii: LMAO. As long as your penis is washed properly, Idc.

rdunmore13: Now I ain’t gonna lie, no discrimination against the uncircumcised, but a circumcised pen is a better visual aesthetic.

sukii: Yes it definitely looks nice.

anthonykiyonna: I think sex life is an important part of a relationship. So you should get to decide what you won’t accept.

rdunmore13: But also Wendy said she asks that question on a first date. That’s too much.

anthonykiyonna: Wayyyy too much lol.

rdunmore13: Like an uncircumcised peen is not a deal breaker miss.

anthonykiyonna: Definitely a deal breaker for me.

sukii: But she’s seasoned…she ain’t trying to waste time.

anthonykiyonna: Very true.

rdunmore13: That’s exactly what she said too. She was like, “I’m 55. I ain’t got time.”

sukii: LMAO…I feel that. If I’m 55 and leaving my husband because he and his longtime mistress are thriving without me, Ima come with a list of requirements and check them off as we go.

rdunmore13: Touche. This does make me wonder do the uncircumcised face a stigma…we’ll find out next time on Ask Wendy.

sukii: Lmaooo.

“You Have To Be Circumcised”: Millennials React To Wendy Williams’ Demands For Dating  was originally published on

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