Have you seen the latest cover of Newsweek? The issue, “What Silicon Valley Really Thinks Of Women” features an unassuming working woman who realizes her skirt…

Sometimes being a woman is a lot harder than it looks. And if you’ve ever tried to explain this to men, you are mostly met…

Lately, Republican politician Mike Huckabee has made a lot of noise in trying to pin Beyonce as the ultimate ruin of America’s “culture of crude.” (Feel free…

Did anybody else not get the memo that January would be trolling season for “Presidential hopeful” Mike Huckabee? The Republican, and newborn pop culture critic, has released another of his opinions from…

International sports star Genoveva Anonma revealed that she was asked to strip naked to prove her “womanhood” in front of World Cup officials. Not only was her…

Comedian Artie Lange recently tweeted his disgusting sexual desires for ESPN “First Take” host Cari Champion which included his need to treat her like a…

Comedian Artie Lange is known for not only crossing the line, but denying that one ever existed in the first place. And he’s done it…

As much as I can empathize, I will never know what it’s like to be a woman subjected to the uninvited, and in many cases, menacing attention…


During a sermon full of homophobia, sexism and misogyny, Pastor Jamal H. Bryant, of the Empowerment Temple in Baltimore, MD.  told his congregation how he really…

Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd won’t be entertaining any overnight lovers – at least not on the campus of Alabama State University. Boyd, 58, Alabama State University’s…