As he continues to rise in polls in battleground states, Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders is pursuing an essential voting bloc: Evangelical Christians. CNN reports that…

Hillary Clinton has been working hard to the earn the votes of the country, but her latest stunt is a game-changer. The 2016 presidential candidate…

News & Gossip

She's trying hard to get the millennial vote.

In this special edition of the NewsOne Top 5 we take a look at the top news stories during a summer that gave us plenty to talk about and reflect on. Read more about them, below.

The Democratic presidential frontrunner surprised three activists when she made the statement about changing racism.

Obama urged Congress to restore the Voting Rights Act and to make it easier for voters to be heard.

Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton announced an education plan involving the spending of $350 billion over ten years for students to attend college without the lingering fear of…

Unlike almost every one of her Republican rivals, Hillary Clinton is not ignoring the Black vote. It’s likely mostly because she recognizes she can’t without…

Eric Schneiderman, the newly appointed New York attorney general, was specially hired to investigate the police deaths of unarmed citizens.

Earlier this year, the Justice Department released a program to better train police in how they interact with local communities.

Hillary Clinton may now be in more hot water over her email controversy. The Justice Department just received a referral to open a criminal investigation into…