The North Carolina teen is being called a hero for his bravery and quick thinking.

Plus, rapper Big Sean donates $25K to help homeless college students in Detroit and a Black woman says a Minnesota stylist referred to her natural hair as "an animal that can't be tamed."

Despite Tiana Carruthers' numerous injuries, she stresses she doesn't hate the shooter and is working on forgiveness.


It’s Hump Day and you need a smile. So take a look at the photo above. At first glance it may look like the toddler…

Majic 102.3 presents Unsung Heroes, People in the community making a difference one day at a time. If you know someone in the DC community, a neighbor, a church member, your pastor or military personnel that makes an impact in the world that you live in. Tell us about them. We’ll salute our “Unsung Heroes” during […]