The sandbell is a weight filled with sand, so you can to really use those muscles of yours to control this new workout equipment!

If you are a sweaty beauty that’s not afraid to get a little dirty, then let’s go on a mud run! Mudderella is the first mud…

So, how do you roll to work still looking good but not compromising on comfort during your commute? Here are a few tips especially for the bike riders to stay fly on your ride. Check this out:

Suns out, so let’s hang out. I’m so glad the free gym is open again beauties, so I wanted to share with you my five…

Cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the spring air is calling your name beauties. So in honor of National Earth Day (April 22nd) and…

Calling all insomniacs. Back in the day, I would fall asleep anywhere and in any position without any shame. But nowadays my relationship with slumber…

You diet, you exercise, you lose weight – get it girl! But then you miss your favorite foods, kick exercise to the curb and one…

If junk food is your jump off, but you’re trying to stay lean and clean, then you are going to love this beauties. Even if… You see people rolling on them in the stretching area. The first time you saw one, you thought it was a piece of leftover…

Research proves that exercise helps a lot if you’re feeling a little down. So, get moving! Check this out: