Came across something from Soul Pancake that I thought I’d share with you. Often we fail to even make an attempt at things simply because of FEAR. Someone once gave me an encouraging word about tackling life challenges by mastering my fear. It has helped me a lot. Perhaps when you view this video and […]


Fear is such a powerful feeling that can hold us back from the greatness that lies within. The start to overcoming that fear is trusting…

Are you waiting for the right time to make the big leap or to leave an unhappy and unhealthy situation? There is some wisdom in…

I am not one to over utilize acronyms but every now and then I create or come across a good one.  So many of us operate in fear.  We fear death.  We fear loss.  We even fear success.  Wouldn’t it be great to be able to eliminate fear from our spectrum of emotions?  We can! […]

A few years back, on the ninth anniversary of 9-ll, I talked about fear… Well given the horrific events of the past week ―events that…

They just can’t put down the old playbook. Recently, I found myself shaking my head at the desperation and cluelessness of the Republican strategists who concocted a $10 million plan to stop President Obama from winning a new term by smearing him with Jeremiah Wright’s old words. In the proposal, titled “The Defeat of Barack […]