While nothing has been confirmed, I’m hearing that Tiny and husband T.I. are making preparations to go to jail. According to mediatakeout who has the scoop, their insider explained: “At first I though they were just making plans ‘in case’ they both [got locked up]. But no, they’re acting like they’re both going away.” The […]

Popeather reports that Michael Jackson’s two oldest children — Prince Michael, 13, and Paris, 12 — began their studies at a traditional school last Wednesday — their first experience outside of homeschooling. Click here for the rest of the story.

Anthony Hamilton’s publicist confirms that the singer and his wife Tarsha are expecting twins this October. The twins will be Tarsha’s first but Hamilton already has three sons- Anthony’s (20), Romero (18), and Tristan (13). Source: Black Celebrity Kids

10 Ways to be an All Pro Dad 1. Love Your Wife True love is not a feeling. It is a decision. It’s an act of the will to be patient, kind, humble, hopeful, giving, faithful and trusting. When you commit to loving your wife this way, your feelings for her, and hers for you, […]

VIA ABC ARTICLES: Parents understand all of these dangers of online predators and certainly try to do their part at monitoring online activity. Most parents admittedly feel that their efforts probably are not enough to completely protect their children and wonder what else they can do to get that extra “piece of mind” we all […]

VIA EXAMINER: Most parents would agree that chocolate, marshmallow treats, and jelly beans don’t make a good breakfast, but that’s what most children eat on Easter morning. Though occasional treats are never a bad thing, parents would do their children a favor by limiting unhealthy treats. America’s children are getting fatter According to the CDC, […]

VIA MSNBC: By Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg As a pediatrician, the most common confession I hear from parents is that they are scared of making a horrible mistake when it comes to their child’s health. The Smart Parent’s Guide gives parents my insider’s tips and strategies to avoid common blunders in the all-night pharmacy, the emergency […]

VIA WEB MD: Bedwetting can damage the child’s self-image and confidence. The best way to prevent this is to be supportive. Parents should reassure the child that bedwetting is a common problem and that they are confident that the child will overcome the problem. Along with supporting your child emotionally, there are a number of […]

VIA FAMILY EDUCATION: Introducing Kids to Money Money gives people — both young and old — decision-making opportunities. Educating, motivating, and empowering children to become regular savers and investors will enable them to keep more of the money they earn and do more with the money they spend. Everyday spending decisions can have a far […]

VIA CHRISTIAN COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES: Do you put your child to bed at night only to find them crawling into bed with you a few hours later? What can you do to get your bed back? How can you get your child to sleep in his/her own rooms all night long? Check out the following […]

VIA ABOUT.COM: Getting kids up and ready for the day…whether it be for school, daycare, or even a sport or enrichment activity is a sure-fire stress builder and typical cause of morning madness. What can parents do to start each day in a positive fashion? Here are some ideas. 1. Getting Kids Up: Morning Routine […]

VIA FAMILY ANATOMY: I had a bad dream!” These words, often delivered between sobs, can become the bane of a parent’s nighttime existence. You and your child are both losing sleep, and that doesn’t make the next day any easier. Bad dreams are a normal part of development, but they can be extremely distressing for […]