
In an effort to gain an edge with voters of color over leading Democratic 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, one of her Republican opponents plans…

The former president, Bill Clinton, and his wife and presidential hopeful, Hilary Clinton, reportedly earned a combined $30 million in 16 months from speeches and…


Hillary Clinton and her husband President Bill Clinton, who have long enjoyed the support of prominent African Americans, has the apparent backing of Beyonce, who recently…


Bill Clinton stopped by David Letterman’s Late Show Tuesday and discussed the propbability of him returning to the White House.

Bill Clinton thinks it’s time for some of his old policies to get a makeover and that his wife is just the woman for the…


Where was Bill?  Hillary Clinton’s much-anticipated video announcing her bid for the White House in 2016 included a range of diverse families talking about real…

Monica Lewinsky is back in the headlines and there’s no scandal behind it. Monica took part in the highly-anticipated TED Talk yesterday, where she discussed how the…


President Barack Obama is the man Americans say they admire most, while Hillary Clinton is the woman living anywhere in the world whom they admire…


A few months ago Hillary Clinton came under fire after she refused to comment on the protests that took place in Ferguson following the death…

Leaving the White House doesn’t necessarily mean you’re completely done trying to make the world a better place, if you ask Bill Clinton. The former…

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Men are not always the administers of domestic abuse.  Much more than talked about, men find themselves on the receiving end of domestic violence.  Here are some famous male victims that may surprise you. If you or someone you know is being abused contact The National Domestic Violence Hotline. […]

Fred Thompson (71), President Bill Clinton (67), Jon Stamos (50), Kyra Sedgewick (48), Matthew Perry (44), Joseph Antonio Cartagena AKA Fat Joe (43), ROMEO MILLER (24), WE REMEMBER NATE DOGG AND COCO CHANEL “How many cares one loses when one decides not to be something but to be someone.”  ~Coco Chanel Follow @aprilwattslive on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter