President Obama isn’t the most popular man in the country according to many polls right now, so a gift is probably the last thing he’s expecting aside from the people in his inner circle. But we wanted to come up with a list of things we think he needs after going through 2 stressful years […]

Cue Marilyn Monroe! Better yet, cue Jennifer Hudson! Barack Obama hits the half century mark today. Jennifer Hudson led the crowd in singing Happy Birthday to “Mr. President” at a fundraising event in Chicago last night. Also popular… Brooklyn Teen Hero Killed After Saving Six Children Majic 102.3′s Velvet Room Featuring Ledisi [EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS] Fantasia Announces […]

HOUSTON — The FBI and Secret Service are investigating a cartoon sent to Houston Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee that depicted her and President Barack Obama being lynched. The Houston Chronicle reports: Beneath a headline which included a racial epithet referring to African-Americans, the one-page cartoon showed two L-shaped lynching posts with “Sheila Jackson Lee” written […]

I received an email today from the White House stating that President Barack Obama is scheduled to meet with NAACP President Ben Jealous and Urban League President Marc Morial.   President Obama’s schedule (which can be seen here) shows that the meeting will be roughly 25 minutes, giving these three important black men a little […]

The Obamas paid a visit to the Lord’s house as a family on Sunday.  Although the First Family’s church home is Evergreen Chapel at Camp David they occasionally visit other churches, this time they went worshipped at the 10:30 morning service at the historic St. John’s Protestant Episcopal Church in DC’s Lafayette Square. Also popular…

If you were to ask any reasonable Black person what America should do for him or her, the response would likely be to leave me alone. Most Black people are long past a desire for special programs based solely on our skin color. Many Black people don’t see themselves in either the “Save the Whales” […]

President Barack Obama’s father told immigration officials in 1961 that he wanted to put his unborn son up for adoption, according to the Boston Globe. The report also claims that Barack’s mother, Ann Dunham, was going to give him to the Salvation Army, though the White House has firmly denied that report. Obama’s father, Barack […]

Rep. Tim Scott said that if President Obama should invoke a clause in the 14th Amendment in order to bypass Congress and borrow beyond the debt limit, the Republican lawmaker would consider that an act worthy of impeachment. “This president is looking to usurp congressional oversight to find a way to get it done without […]

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama kicked off his first Twitter town hall with – what else? – a tweet. Using a laptop set up on a lectern in the East Room of the White House, Obama typed this message: “In order to reduce the deficit, what costs would you cut and what investments would you […]

Time Magazine editor-at-large Mark Halperin has been under fire for calling President Obama a “D**k” on MSNBC’s Morning Joe last week. Writer Michelle Goldberg says Halperin’s actions were in part due to him “being so cowed by conservatives that he’s offended by Obama’s mild poke at the GOP.” She continues: His response embodies all that’s […]

The White House might issue cuts to Medicare and Medicaid as part of negotiations over slashing the federal budget, according to It’s not clear how large the cuts would be, with the White House and Senate Democratic leaders saying they’d be contingent on the size of increases in revenue Congress would have to agree […]

There is a petition on Change.Org to send to President Obama to encourage him to clear the name of  Marcus Garvey, the Jamaican activist who started the “Back To Africa” movement in the 1920s in Harlem. President Calvin Coolidge granted Marcus Mosiah Garvey a pardon on November 18, 1927. However, he was deported to Jamaica […]