Watching the Grammys last night was a snoozefest. There’s gotta be something wrong with an awards show where the most exciting moment is the Twitter…


01/27/14- Kevin Frazier has the inside scoop on the 2014 Grammy Awards including Tamar Brazton‘s pre-show shots, Alicia Keys‘ possible pregnancy, and much more! For…


And the biggest winner from the 2014 Grammy Awards was Pharrell Williams‘ hat. The hottest topic of the awards show was definitely Pharrell’s choice of…

01/27/14- Did you miss the 2014 Grammy Awards? Comedian Chris Paul has you covered!

Set your DVR’s, people. TV is on fire this Sunday night with the Grammys, The Pro Bowl and the The Bachelor Wedding all going on…

01/21/14- Jacque Reid goes “Inside Her Story” with Maysa, a 22-year veteran R&B artist who has finally been nominated for a Grammy! For iPhone users:

Charlie Wilson will be going to the Grammys this year, because he’s nominated. But this year’s nomination is different. For the first time  Wilson gets…