Russ Parr

Jordan McNair was the 19-year-old University Of Maryland student who became ill on May 29 after being over exerted. McNair passed away on June 13 from heat stroke. The atmosphere of the UMD football team was deemed not toxic. How so? A 19-year-old passed away because he did not receive medical attention for nearly an […]

Donald Trump is headed to Pittsburgh, but the victims and their families don’t want him there. Russ feels that he has been forced by his administration to go so that it looks like he cares. Donald Trump lacks compassion, Russ says. And Sarah Sanders gets on camera and lies for him every single day. Don’t […]

Kids nowadays are “out of control.” Russ wonders why kids now seem to have no problem cussing at and cussing around elders. On the bus or train Russ sees kids blatantly disrespect their elders and no one says anything about it. He says it’s due to a lack of home training and a lack of […]

The Republicans told all of their candidates to get on the same page. They have all been repeating “we support the affordable care act.” Which Russ calls a lie, He says every Republican on the ballot has publicly opposed the affordable care act because they tie Obama’s name to it. Don’t Miss Out! Follow The […]

This doesn’t apply to all white people, but if the shoe fits…Russ is sick of these White people who call the police on Black folks for absolutely nothing. It’s been ridiculous, but it’s way out of hand. Russ wants to know “how many jobs” do white folks have to lose before they cut it out! […]

Russ is disappointed in minority voters. When minorities say that they aren’t going to vote, or that they don’t believe their vote counts, it infuriates Russ. There is no excuse for not voting. The Republicans are making is difficult for minorities and low income people to vote; but there are ways to cast your ballot. […]

Russ has a theory about what happened to the missing Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. He’s been doing some research and connecting some interesting dots. Khashoggi walked into a Saudi Arabian government building and was never seen alive again. Russ believes that the U.S might have had something to do with his apparent murder. Jared Kushner, […]

Everyone is talking about how the U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, is quitting. Some believe it’s because she wants to run for president in 2024, but Russ has his own theory. He thinks that she’s leaving because she’s “very savvy,” and doesn’t want her name and legacy attached to the Trump administration. Don’t Miss Out! Follow […]

Dr. Ford’s testimony was very believable. The sad part is that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed regardless of what he did to her. The message that the Republican party has sent is that survivors have no voice. “You’re ruining this great man’s reputation,” is what people kept saying during the hearings. But what about […]

Russ calls Trump’s recent press conference “the scariest thing” he’s seen in a while. Donald Trump was publicly lying on foreign countries, former president Obama, and the scary part was people actually believe him. His ride or dies said “he did good” when it was all over. Donald Trump is an embarrassment, we have been […]

Russ went to the doctor to get a colonoscopy recently and his results were less then perfect. He takes great issue with men refusing to have the procedure or calling it “gay,” because it could literally save lives. Black men should have a colonoscopy by the age of 45. Rev. Marcus Elkins was against having […]

When Bill Cosby was sentenced, Russ did not feel badly for him. “Bill Cosby ruined lives and careers” with his actions and “he deserves to go to jail” Russ says. Yes, black people are punished more severely and yes black people are convicted more often but take that away and “think about the women who […]