
Lifestyle oriented content pertaining to tips, ideas and advice for better living.

Now that the season’s are changing and the weather is getting warmer, it’s time to lighten up your wardrobe. And that means your accessories, too. Replace your chunky cuffs with slender wrap-around bracelets that also serve as watches. Two-in-one items for under $50 sound like a steal to us. 10 Turban-Style Headwraps (& How To […]

Ladies, are you looking for the perfect shoe for the perfect outfit? Tired of going from store to store, mall to mall, scouring high and low looking for the shoe that catches your eye, and makes a statement? Well, look no further. Mona J. Ramsey, has launched a website for all women in mind.  Her […]

With the cost of food rising, we’re all looking for ways to trim our grocery bills. Planning before you go to the grocery store should play a big role and should include your family needs. Here are 6 great ways to save almost $3,000 and recipes to go with them from the folks at […]

Fashion designers have disco fever. Some of the latest styles sent down the runway are reminiscent of the 70s – think volume and fluidity. “Today’s ’70s-inspired fashion is vibrant, fun, colorful, flashy, sexy and happy,” says celebrity stylist and fashion commentator Mary Alice Stephenson to StyleList. “There were a lot of beautiful, chic clothes from […]

For a very long time we believed: that early to bed, early to rise  keeps a man or woman all the wise. New research is proving just that. If you’re among the millions who get up before dawn or worse, arrive at work before dawn because your shift starts between 3:00 am and 4:30 am, […]

Apologizing isn’t an easy thing to do. If you’ve never been taught how to apologize, it makes the task even harder. We all make mistakes and need forgiveness. Sometimes simply saying, “I’m sorry” doesn’t adequately communicate your regret for having done something that was hurtful. When you’ve done something you shouldn’t, here are the  5 […]

As much as we all love our blow dryers, straightening irons and curling irons, excessive heat when hairstyling can affect your hair in awful ways. Even though you may feel you need to flat iron, curl, crimp, spike or blow out your hair to make it look fresh everyday, it important to minimize  your hair’s […]

If you know anything about haircuts, you know that a haircut that works for me, may not look so hot on you, and vice versa. Faces are like fingerprints—there are no two exactly alike. Many of us are familiar with face shape descriptions such as heart, pear, round, oblong and square, but a “one hairstyle […]

The  Braxton Family Values television show has actually shown a light on what women need and want on men. Now, before you get anxious or upset hear me out. Each one of these women have a situation that points out what the actual needs are in a  good relationships. They also point out what destructive […]

Designer Rachel Roy collaborated with pro-surfer Karina Petroni to create a shoe line comprised of 3 styles – one for every possible summer occasion. Combining their personal styles, the shoes are 100% beach chic, so expect piled-on patterns and easy espadrilles that can be worn from city to sand. Rachel Roy Debuts Fall 2011 Line […]

Moms are some of the busiest people alive! Taking care of the kids, the house, the dog and holding down your day job puts you in a constant multi-tasking mode. As a wife, mommy and a woman on the move, I don’t always have time for a hair salon visit, even when it’s relaxer time. […]

Every year, more and more research is done showing that there may be associations between certain everyday lifestyle choices we make and the development of prostate cancer. African-American men and those with a strong family history of the disease are also at increased risk. Some of the following signs and symptoms common to prostate cancer […]