
Marlon Wayans is preparing to release his latest parody film, "50 Shades Of Black," and as you can probably tell from the title, this one pokes fun at the hit book and feature film "50 Shades Of Grey."

News & Gossip

In spite of incredible strides made by TV stars like Viola Davis, Kerry Washington & Taraji P. Henson, there is still a major absence of young Black women on our screens.

News & Gossip

Cynthia tries to get Kenya and Kim to play nice for the sake of co-directing her commercial, but they're not into working together.

Not phased by the #OsccarsSoWhite drama, the NAACP had their first red carpet event of the year honoring a few of the flyest actors at the Image Award Luncheon at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

The Lifetime Network knows how to get people talking and their latest biopic, "Toni Braxton: Unbreak My Heart," had everyone on the edge of their seats Saturday night.

Archives + Absences will keep the public aware of the ongoing police violence in America.

Every week a new app is launched, but none have gained the traction like Periscope in the nine months the platform has been active. Periscope is a live streaming app whose mission is to allow people to see the world through other people’s eyes. It’s essentially a boarding pass to anywhere in the world. Since […]