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3. “That’s gay” 

One of The Boondocks most popular and admittedly hilarious episodes came with season one’s “The Story of Gangstalicious,” a closeted gay rapper who fronted as “straight” for the public. Since the first episode aired in 2005, many rappers have actually become more open about their sexuality, including folks like Taylor Bennett and iLovemakonnen. Not to mention, representations of Black gay men have thankfully become more varied, rather than just the “closeted rapper.” It’d be nice to see these interpretations in the new series.

The Boondocks also had a horrible habit of equating gay pride with Whiteness, virtually erasing anyone who was proud to be Black AND gay. Revisiting the subject with more nuance would make for a refreshing show.

‘The Boondocks’ Reboot Should Revisit These 6 Topics To Stay Relevant  was originally published on

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