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Some guidelines for parents as their children enter puberty:

The topic of puberty is one that makes most parents uncomfortable. Children sense this unease, and associate the physical changes of growing up as something bad. As a result, children will not utilize their parents as an information source. They will turn to their peers who, in general, are full of misinformation. A common mistake of most parents is to sit down after the child has demonstrated signs of puberty and have one big talk.

By then, it is usually too late and the child is attempting to absorb a large amount of information in one setting. Also, having ONE momentous conversation adds to the big deal, serious nature of the subject which adds to the negative undertones associated with the topic.

The conversation should begin when our children are older toddlers. Begin by teaching children the proper name for their anatomical parts. As they age, each year incorporate information about growing up in your daily conversations, for example, as you purchase deodorant, talk about how one day they will need to purchase and use their own.

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Get Well Wednesday: Guiding Your Child Through Puberty  was originally published on

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