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According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, the eight types of hate groups the center has identified include white nationalists, black separatists, neo-confederates, Christian identity, skinheads, Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis.

I’m not suggesting that DiFilippo supports hate groups. I am saying that he must be cognizant of the racial environment and how his questionable remarks impact black students in California where the KKK is alive and well.

It’s unclear whether DiFilippo was trying to be funny. But let’s say it was a joke. Why would DiFilippo think it was amusing?

“That’s not a joke,” Latricia Medley, who has a child in the school, told a local television station. “That’s not a very funny joke.”

Medley told the station that she wants DiFilippo fired.

“It is never appropriate for school staff who are tasked with educating our youth to say they do not like kids of a particular race,” ACLU of Northern California staff attorney Novella Coleman told the Fresno Bee. “School administrators and teachers’ attitude toward students of a particular race inevitably affects their expectations of students’ educational achievement and students’ access to equal educational opportunities.”

School district spokesman Jed Chernabaeff told reporters that the district has employed an outside investigator to gather facts to make a “credible determination.”

Meanwhile, former students of Scandinavian Middle School gathered outside the school last week and chanted: “I love black people.”

If DiFilippo seriously doesn’t like black students, then he should be forced to look for a new job—and perhaps he needs to consider a totally different line of work.

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Is Racism A Joke? Principal Caught On Camera Should Be Fired  was originally published on

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