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Working Mom

After hustling the kids off to soccer practice, shopping for dinner and putting in those extra work hours, many working moms are left with little time to invest in themselves. The extreme scheduling demands required of working moms can leave many moms feeling overwhelmed, over-extended and underappreciated. While this may be common, it does not have to become the norm. With a couple simple changes to your daily routine, you can rejuvenate yourself and find a way to take care of the person who is always taking care of everyone else – you.

  1. There’s only one you

Much of our stress and irritations with motherhood comes from trying to live up to the “perfect mom” standards created by the images we see around us. A lot of these feelings of inadequacy come from comparing ourselves to other moms in our circle. Think about your own strengths and work them into your everyday life as a mom. When you play up your strengths as a parent, you are bound to have more fun and be happier.

  1. Find your solitude

Take a walk. Keep a journal. Read a New York Times best-selling book. These are ways you can raise your daily happiness quotient. When you take time out for yourself, it allows your nervous system to slow down and become quieter so that you can recharge mentally, physically and emotionally. Second, solitude gives us a reprieve from giving. No woman can sustain constant giving to other humans (even if they are children) without a break.

  1. Make your family slow down for you

Slowing down the rush of your family life will be one of the keys to your happiness. When we slow down, we’re able to choose how to spend our time wisely and find more meaning in our daily activities.

  1. Start dating your best friend again

The best way to help get your smile back is by picking up the phone and calling a friend. So often we put our friendships on the back burner when we become mothers and we forget that friendships are an essential source of joy. To make the effort easier, try a multitasking approach: exercise with a friend, invite mothers over play dates, and invite your single girlfriend over for Sunday family dinner.

  1. Create a Weekly No-Work Day

Do you remember when Sunday was strictly a day of rest? A day where emails were not exchanged, conference calls were not scheduled and even stores were closed! Can you even imagine that? It may be time to return to the days of yore. Implement, a regular “No Work Day” into your family’s weekly routine and instantly decrease household stress levels.

5 Habits Of Happy Working Mothers  was originally published on