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In the midterm elections, especially down South, black voter turnout is everything.

Though both Republicans and Democrats would like to pick up the black vote, Republicans aren’t counting on it.

Democrats, as usual are counting on it, big time!

From Arkansas to Georgia to Louisiana to North Carolina, candidates and their surrogates are pulling no punches trying to appeal to black voters.

In Georgia, liberal groups sent out flyers with photos of black kids holding signs that say “don’t shoot.”

The title above the poster reads, “If you want to prevent another Ferguson in their future – vote.”

In North Carolina, a radio ad targeted black voters by referencing the killing of Trayvon Martin.

Some flyers sent to the homes of African Americans even feature photos of lynchings and hangings.

If it seems desperate, it is.

John Davis, a North Carolina political consultant and analyst told The International Business Times that political operatives are selling “the fear factor of going back to the Old South—whether that will work or not, nobody knows because it hasn’t been done before in such an in-your-face way.”

Most political analysts believe those ads won’t actually inspire African Americans to go to the polls.

They say early voting and Sunday voting will more than likely play the biggest role in getting black voters out in any substantial numbers.

The senate is currently 55 to 45 in favor of the Democrats.

And with just eight seats as toss-ups, most polling is showing that Republicans have the momentum.

In a midterm election, voter turnout is never as high for any demographic as it is in a presidential election year.

So Democrats are trying their darndest to change that this time around by getting black voters to turn out in numbers almost as high as they did in 2012 when a black man was at the top of the ticket.

It’s possible but not likely.

Which means, for the last two years in office, President Obama will more than likely have to contend with a Republican controlled House and Senate.

Think he faced gridlock before, you ain’t seen nothing yet!


Don Lemon Says The Black Voter Turnout Is Everything  was originally published on