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How would adopted children find out about their health?

Adoption agencies may have access to that information.

How do I know If my testosterone levels are too low?

A blood level test can be done.

What if your grandma had high blood pressure…does that mean I will, too? 

Not necessarily. But you may be at increased risk, especially if  a parent has high blood pressure.

If my parents  had a medical condition does that mean I will get it  also?

It’s not 100%, but you may be at increased risk, depending upon the medical condition.

My fibroids are back for the second time and I feel the pain again, especially when it rains. Should I have them removed again? If not,  what are my options?

You should have them removed if your symptoms get worse, but talk to your doctor to make sure that there was nothing unusual about the pathology report for the fibroid(s) you had removed before.

What about family histories for kids in foster care or who are adopted? They can’t always get that info. I was 39 before I even knew about my father.

It’s more important to have the proper screenings done (blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar, etc.) if you don’t know your family history.

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Get Well Wednesday: Will Downing Shares His Journey to Health  was originally published on

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