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I applaud the Fowler family of Atlanta for not only making a difficult choice but making sure that the money they would have spent for a regal celebration worthy of their princess didn’t go in vain.  Donating it to the homeless was a wonderful gesture that must have helped in their healing process.

Whether a couple goes on about their business or gets back together a year from now these are things no one can predict.

What we do know is that either they or someone who loves them very much cared about not just their future but their emotional and spiritual here and now.  Someone made them see that material things would be forgotten and people who were offended or fascinated would move on just in time for the next wedding. When you weigh the cost of the dress, the tuxes, the ring, the cake, etc. against the cost of divorce, alimony and child support it’s wiser to make certain it’s something you and your fiance’ want and are willing to work for and that it makes sense. You know more about  it than anyone else and if you’re honest, you know whether it’s the right or wrong decision.

So I’m curious.  If you are or have been married, did you or your mate ignore obvious signs that should have led you down a different path? Did you forge ahead and are now happy that you worked through your problems? Have you broken off an engagement or encouraged a friend or loved one to do so because you knew it wasn’t right?  Make a commitment right now to sharing your stories of love or sacrifice…or both.


Cheaper to Keep your Dignity? Why Some Have What it Takes to Walk Away  was originally published on

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