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But even if you’re not a baller, you can participate and support your favorite filmmaker in affordable contributions as well, ranging from $5 and up. Everyone who contributes will get something, from a tweet from Lee for smaller donors to inside information on the film’s production to the aforementioned Knicks game

“We’re doing good,” says Lee. “But it’s a grind. You’ve got to get out there every day.” In it’s first day, Lee has raised $17,000 plus dollars but there are only 29 days left to contribute. If he doesn’t reach his goal by August 21, Kickstarter returns the money to contributors and Lee’s next film may not get made.

There’s not much more Lee is willing to say about the film’s content.

“Here’s the thing. [People] are so conditioned today to knowing every thing about a movie. You watch a trailer today, you don’t have to go see the movie! We want there to be some element of surprise so you don’t know exactly everything that’s in the film.”

Lee says that the average Hollywood blockbuster has a budget of $100 million and that indie films, which have much more of a limited return, are harder to make.

“This summer there were 29 sequels or prequels,” Lee says. “They’re not making those type of films. I don’t really make films with people blowing up. I don’t think “Do The Right Thing” would be made today.”

Click here to help fund Spike Lee’s next film via Kickstarter. 

Spike Lee: Help Me Make My Next Movie  was originally published on

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