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Antisocial Personality Disorder

In this picture, we see Amanda Bynes with her lawyer. She has been arrested for many crimes such as: driving under the influence, driving with a suspended license, accused of a hit and run, and posting a tweet saying, “I want Drake to murder my vagina.” Recurring difficulties with the law is a main symptom in Antisocial Personality Disorder. Other symptoms include: disregard for the safety of self or others, and repeatedly violating the rights of others; these crimes seem to fit these two symptoms as well.

Check out Amanda at better times:

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MUST READ:  Amanda Bynes Tweets Rihanna: ‘Chris Brown Beat You Because You’re Not Pretty Enough’

MUST READ:  SHE’S THE LAW: Our Legal Counsel Breaks Down Amanda Bynes Arrest & Jodi Arias’ Mistrial

Amanda Bynes 2013: 5 Reasons Why I Think She’s Mentally Ill  was originally published on

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